Our Initiatives

Club Champions

Club Champions

Club Champions are dedicated youth advocates who form Heads Up Clubs to take action against the digital addiction crisis. Heads Up Clubs are consistently working to support other youth and their transition to a healthier way of life.

How to start a club at your school

  • Fill out our Club Registration form to join the Heads Up club database

  • Watch our orientation videos to begin your Heads Up onboarding

  • Set up a leadership board and recruit general members

  • Host regular club meetings. If you feel stuck, refer to our toolkit

  • Make your plan for impact clear with goals set for every semester

  • Reach out to our national board with any questions you have!



Heads Up Ambassadors are driven students who are passionate about promoting productive use of technology. This role offers a more flexible commitment, ideal for students eager to join the Heads Up community but unable to dedicate time to establish their own club.

Other Heads Up programming

Education Campaigns

As we are hurdling towards another technological revolution, let’s keep our peers educated! Fill out this interest form to receive presentations on social media safety, digital wellness, and more.


Enjoy five new podcast lessons Heads Up has created in partnership with GoYogi. These podcast episodes focus on tips and tricks that you can implement in your daily life to improve your relationship with technology.


In collaboration with Lifeolicious, we have created a presentation on practices to keep your technology safe from cyberattacks. Get access to this tool by filling out this interest form.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Heads Up requires you to have 4 members on the board: President, Vice President, Outreach Director and Finance Director. But, you can always add more positions as you see fit!

  • High school and college students involved with Heads Up programming for a year are invited to apply for our national board.

  • Spreading Heads Up’s message through social media and word-of-mouth will show Big Tech that youth are unified against digital addiction. You can also start smaller Heads Up projects like making a YouTube video about your social media experiences.

  • The Heads Up team has prepared a toolkit of activities that you can use when you feel stuck!

  • Yes! As long as you follow Heads Up’s social media guidelines, you’re welcome to start a Heads Up social media account for your school.

  • A Director on the national board is expected to spend 1-2 hours a week and a Chief Officer on the national board is expected to spend 2-3 hours. General members are expected to spend 1 hour a week. However, during exam seasons and college applications, Heads Up decreases the work load across all positions.